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Unless of course, I'm sleeping, or grabbing a cup of coffee and a sandwich...
But you're always welcome to hang out anytime! Visit often!

In order to understand what The S*H*L is, here is what The S*H*L is not:
Real Hockey
Fantasy Hockey
Fake Hockey...
Confused yet?
This is more like a math project on steroids... (please pardon the bad athletic pun...)
The S*H*L (Statistical Hockey League) actually began as The D.H.L. (Dice Hockey League). It was once a board-like hockey game. Each player had 6 "pieces" representing their team, and these pieces moved, passed and shot individually from each other. Home made cards were also used to dictate certain aspects of play. Being the anal retentive person that I am, I began keeping records from playtested games to help determine a "formula" that would best represent "real life" hockey stats. From these records, I began recording Box Scores and compiling player and team stats. It didn't take long to realize that complete "Seasons" could be played.
---More to come---


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